Manage Asset Catalogs
Adding an asset catalog
This task requires the user to be in the role of dc_admin
To provide users with the option to share service projects as asset or create new projects based on these shared assets there needs to be at least one asset catalog with write access configured. Follow the same steps in case you want to connect to an externally hosted asset catalog.
- Go to the Admin Settings by clicking on the Settings icon in the header bar
- Click on Asset Catalogs
- Click on Add catalog
- Specify a unique alias for this asset catalog
- Set one or more tags (optional)
- Select the Git provider that hosts this asset catalog
- Enter the repository group of the repository that holds the asset catalog data
- Enter the repository key of the repository that holds the asset catalog data
- Provide a description (optional)
- Choose "Create new asset catalog if it does not exist yet" in case you want to create a new Git repository for that new catalog (optional)
- Choose "Include assets from this catalog in the project creation" in case you want the assets from this catalog to be provided as a starting point in the project creation (optional)
Removing an asset catalog
This task requires the user to be in the role of dc_admin
To remove an asset catalog, use the three-dots menu on a catalog's table row and click on Remove.
Editing an asset catalog
This task requires the user to be in the role of dc_admin
To edit an asset catalog, use the three-dots menu on a catalog's table row and click on Edit.
Browsing an asset catalog
By clicking on a card visualizing the asset catalog you will receive a detail view of the asset catalog and the included assets as well as additional information on the catalog. Searching and filtering is similar to the Project Overview.
Asset overview
Aside of the shown information on an asset card you can use the three dots in the upper right of the card to
- Create a new project from this asset
- Remove an asset from this asset catalog (requires
The asset card will be disabled if the user does not have a read access
Asset details
By clicking on the asset card visualizing the asset you will receive a detail view of the asset
- Name
- Acronym
- Version
- Contributor
- Exported on
- Tags
For assets created from a Domain Service Project also API Operations, Domain Services and Integration Services are displayed.
Create project from asset
By clicking on "Create project from asset" you will be guided to Create Project.
Remove asset from catalog
This task requires the user to be in the role of dc_admin
Once you locate the catalog, press the three dots on the right and click the (- Remove) button. Confirm the "Remove Asset from Catalog" dialog.