Assets are basically a clone of a service project including all its implementation code and configuration that can be used to jumpstart development. Assets can provide other users a ready-made project or just a base template (e.g., individual standards) to build their own projects.
Assets can be provided internally (shared by other development teams) or externally. They are stored in so-called "Asset Catalogs" where each is represented by a Git repository hosted by you or an external party. The owner of the Git repository can define access permissions individually.
What you can do with Assets?
After you created a service project from an asset you can edit or extend it to your needs, and then share the edited project as a new asset. As your service project evolves, you can share it multiple times in different versions or even overwrite already shared versions of this project.
If there are multiple asset catalogs configured, you can share the same project to different catalogs.
In case you configure an external asset catalog hosted by a different party, this catalog will most likely be read-only. This means, you can only use this catalog to create projects from its assets but not to share projects.
The asset catalogs to which a user has access are shown in the Asset Catalogs page. The overview allows filtering for dedicated Git providers and catalog types.
Users have to provide a Git token for the respective asset catalog repositories in their User Settings.