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If you already have a MongoDB instance running consider using that and skip this step and proceed with installing GitLab. See also mandatory configuration on which configuration values of your MongoDB installation you need to gather for the installation of IBM Industry Solutions Workbench.


To complete this task, you must be a cluster administrator. To prevent issues with PVCs, a default storage class must be set.

Official Documentation


Install MongoDB from OpenShift Developer Catalog

Install the MongoDB database services in the namespace foundation:

  1. Switch in the OpenShift web console to the Developer perspective
  2. Click +Add inside the left navigation of the web console
  3. Select the All services tile to navigate to the Developer Catalog
  4. Filter by keyword: MongoDB
  5. Select the database service: MongoDB provided by Red Hat
  6. Read the information about the service and click Instantiate Template
  7. Modify the following template parameters on the Instantiate Template page:
    • Namespace: foundation
    • Memory Limit: 512Mi
    • Namespace of ImageStream: openshift
    • Database Service Name: mongodb
    • MongoDB Database Name: mongodb
    • Volume Capacity: 1Gi
    • Version of MongoDB Image: 3.6
    • Click Create
  8. Wait a few minutes until the Deployment rollout is complete. The current status is displayed in section Conditions in the Template Instances → Template page

Retrieve Credentials

You can retrieve the credentials and database name for connecting to the MongoDB service by looking for a Kubernetes secret named mongodb:

export MONGODB_DATABASE=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-name}' | base64 -d)
export MONGODB_USER=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-user}' | base64 -d)
export MONGODB_PASSWORD=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-password}' | base64 -d)
export MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-admin-password}' | base64 -d)

Verify the MongoDB Installation

After exporting the credentials and database name, first open a remote shell session to the running MongoDB pod:

oc get pod | grep mongodb
oc rsh <pod>

In your terminal, verify that the mongoDB user can login with his credentials:

sh-4.2$ mongo -u $MONGODB_USER -p $MONGODB_PASSWORD $MONGODB_DATABASE --eval "db.version()"

MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3