Repository capabilities
The repository capabilities of each service project are located close to the header of each page in the project.
Checkout or switch branch
The current branch you are working on is shown next to the header of each page. The drop down allows you to switch inbetween local branches or checkout new remote branches from the repository.
In case you switch to a branch that no longer is available in the repository you will get a hint and be able to delete the local (checked out) branch by confirming the info. In case you want to keep it and store the changes to the repository, you have to create manually a similar named branch in the repository and commit and push the local branch to the repository.
Reset to remote
In case you want to fall back to a saved state in the repository and overwrite your local changes you can use the Reset to remote capability available in the drop-down of the checkout action. Please be aware that all the local changes can not be restored.
Create new branch
A new branch of the project can be created via the Solution Designer. By using the action in the drop-down of the checkout action you have to provide a Branch name and a Source Branch as input. After clicking Create the new branch is created in the repository and checked out as local branch.
Commit & push
In order to commit and push changes to the remote Git repository, use the Commit & Push capability located in the upper right of each service project page in the Solution Designer. Uncommitted local changes are indicated with a red indicator dot and an additional tooltip when hovering over the button.
While commit and push always a auto-merge with the current state of the remote branch happens automatically. In case the merge fails (e.g., design files have been changed manually in the repository) you will get a information and must resolve the conflicts manually (a new branch is created based on the local branch) in the repository.