Navigation menu structure
Let's start with having a look on the project's structure and the UI elements used to represent the different components of a project.
After creating a new Service Project you will be directed to the project's Overview page ( see setting up projects). On the left there is the main navigation bar offering the following entries:
The appearence of APIs, Domains and Integrations on the left side navigation is depending on if they are enabled or disabled as Extensions. By default they are enabled when you started with a domain service, but you can disable the extensions related to each one of them.
Starting page
The project's overview page is the starting point inside a project and provides about the project, namespaces and extensions.
General information
Here you can find information about the project's "Acronym", "Git Provider", "Repository group", "Git repository path", "Stack", and "Stack version". Besides, it shows information the used "Event Support version" (1.0 or 2.0) for Domain Service Projects and furthermore, additional information on "Tags" and the "Icon", the project's "Description" and the name of the creator ("Created by") and the creation date ("Created on").
Depending on the implementation language there can be additional fields, e.g. the "Package Name", "Persitence Support" (MongoDB or RMDB) or "Saga Pattern Support" required for Domain Service Projects (Java).
Using the "Edit general information" action capability you´ll get the possibility to change "Name", "Tags", "Icon" and "Description" of the project.
The documentation section on a project's overview page is intended to provide an overall documentation of the project and all of its components. It is pre-filled with a basic table of contents and a UML diagram showing the coarse structure of the project. See Documentation Capabilities for further details on the Markdown editor and the diagram generator.
After creating a new project there will only be the headlines and some hints in the documentation section and the diagram will be empty as long as there are no elements modelled. The diagram will refresh automatically whenever you make changes to the design model.
Using the Documentation section is a perfect way to communicate ideas and concepts as well as to describe complex procedures or conditions. The built-in Markdown editor also offers support for creating native plantUML diagrams in case you want to visualize procedures that can't get auto-generated by Solution Designer.
Namespace Overview
This section gives an overview of all existing namespaces in a project and lets you easily create new namespaces.
See namespaces to learn more about namespaces.
By clicking on the header of this cards you will be directed to the namespace's instance page. Alternatively, you can use three-dots menu on each card to Edit or Delete a namespace. Each card also provides links to quickly access all its components.
A table with all the extensions of the project is shown.
See extensions to learn more about namespaces.
The Edit extension capability is available to modify extensions of your project. Extensions can be enabled or disabled and additional configuration values can be set if needed.
Extensions can't be enabled or disabled for all available stacks right now.