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Pipeline Customization

IBM Industry Solutions Workbench consists of the following components provides the possibility to define own pipeline types (templates) additionally to the available default pipelines types. Own pipeline types can be based on the default pipeline types to add a few own pipeline tasks or they can be completely different.

Own pipeline types can be created and added to the Solution Designer by creating an Openshift Pipeline Resource in the cluster. This needs to be done directly within the OpenShift Web Console. The default pipeline types can be used as example and starting point.


  • Access to the OpenShift Admin Console
  • Clear understanding of OpenShift (Tekton) Pipelines, PipelineRuns and Tasks, and experience in writing pipelines/tasks using YAML
  • A copy of the pipeline resources (yaml files) mentioned below.

Create own Pipeline type (template)

  • Go to the OpenShift Web Console (or login via oc cli)
  • List all Pipeline resources and filter by label k5-pipeline-template=true
  • You should get the following Default Pipeline types (template):
    • k5-template-java-deploy
    • k5-template-java-release
    • k5-template-node-deploy
    • k5-template-node-release
  • The easiest way to create an own Pipeline type (in the first place) is to open and copy one of the existing default types, for example k5-template-java-deploy if you want to create an own type and add some additional tasks to a java deploy pipeline
  • Now you can adjust the metadata in the YAML accordingly and apply it to the cluster, for example:
kind: Pipeline
k5-display-name: Custom Deploy Pipeline
k5-supported-stacks: java
name: k5-template-java-deploy-my-custom
namespace: namespace
k5-pipeline-type: deploy
k5-pipeline-template: 'true'
  • The value in the annotation k5-display-name will be shown as Type in the Solution Designer
  • The annotation k5-supported-stacks defines for which stack the Type should by shown in the Solution Designer (java or node)
  • The label k5-pipeline-type which kind of Pipeline type (template) it should be (deploy, release or custom)
  • The label k5-pipeline-template marks the Pipeline as Pipeline type (template).

Only if the label k5-pipeline-template is set to true the Pipeline is considered as template and will be shown in the Solution Designer as Type.

::: warning Own Pipeline templates or own custom Tasks are not managed by IBM Industry Solutions Workbench consists of the following components and therefore will not be updated or migrated. On the other side the default Pipeline templates and Tasks (installed and managed by IBM Industry Solutions Workbench consists of the following components ) are always overwritten to the initial state and may also change in an upcoming version of IBM Industry Solutions Workbench consists of the following components in the future. :::

Different Pipeline types

As mentioned before there are three kinds of Pipeline types (templates): deploy, release and custom.

The difference is based on the purpose and on the input parameters that are provided by the Solution Designer.

The following input params are provided and expected by the different Pipeline types:

  • deploy
    • repo-url: Defines the repository url
    • revision: Defines the revision (or branch) of the git repository
    • unittestfeature: Defines if unit tests should be executed
    • prereleaseuniqueness: Defines whether it needs to be a unique pre-release
    • enforceuniqueness: Defines where uniqueness needs to be enforced
    • uniquesemvercheck: Defines whether a unique semVer check is executed
    • solutionacronym: Defines the acronym of the service project
    • k5project: Defines in which k5project it should be deployed
  • release
    • repo-url: Defines the repository url
    • revision: Defines the revision (or branch) of the git repository
    • unittestfeature: Defines if unit tests should be executed
    • prereleaseuniqueness: Defines whether it needs to be a unique pre-release
    • enforceuniqueness: Defines where uniqueness needs to be enforced
    • uniquesemvercheck: Defines whether a unique semVer check is executed
    • solutionacronym: Defines the acronym of the service project
  • custom
    • repo-url: Defines the repository url
    • revision: Defines the revision (or branch) of the git repository
    • solutionacronym: Defines the acronym of the service project

Depending on the k5-pipeline-type label the View and possible Parameters in the Solution Designer will be different, see also Pipeline Features.

Define Tasks in a Custom Pipeline Type

All Tasks that should be executed for this kind of pipeline are listed and defined in the tasks section of the Pipeline type (template). You can easily remove existing ones or add own Task to your custom pipeline type.


You can see all available tasks by clicking PipelinesTasks in the left navigation area of the OpenShift Web Console

Custom Pipeline Type Example

The following example shows a manually created custom Deploy Pipeline that can be added as template to the cluster. The Pipeline contains all default Tasks provided by IBM Industry Solutions Workbench consists of the following components and additionally one custom Task (k5-custom-task) that will be executed before the Deploy Task (k5-deploy). After applying it into the IBM Industry Solutions Workbench consists of the following components namespace, the "Custom Deploy Pipeline" Pipeline Type will be available in the Solution Designer while creating a new CI/CD Pipeline configuration for all java service projects:

kind: Pipeline
k5-display-name: Custom Deploy Pipeline
k5-supported-stacks: java
name: k5-template-java-deploy-custom
k5-pipeline-template: 'true'
k5-pipeline-type: deploy
- description: Defines the repository url
name: repo-url
type: string
- description: Defines the revision of the git repository
name: revision
type: string
- description: Defines if unit tests should be executed
name: unittestfeature
type: string
- description: Defines whether it needs to be a unique pre-release
name: prereleaseuniqueness
type: string
- description: Defines where uniqueness needs to be enforced
name: enforceuniqueness
type: string
- description: Defines in which k5project it should be deployed
name: k5project
type: string
- description: Defines the solution acronym
name: solutionacronym
type: string
- description: Defines whether a unique semVer check is executed
name: uniquesemvercheck
type: string
- name: k5-git-clone
- name: repo-url
value: $(params.repo-url)
- name: revision
value: $(params.revision)
kind: Task
name: k5-git-clone
- name: output
workspace: source
- name: basic-auth
workspace: basic-auth
- name: k5-validate
- name: solutionacronym
value: $(params.solutionacronym)
- name: stack
value: java
- name: prereleaseuniqueness
value: $(params.prereleaseuniqueness)
- name: uniquesemvercheck
value: $(params.uniquesemvercheck)
- name: enforceuniqueness
value: $(params.enforceuniqueness)
- k5-git-clone
kind: Task
name: k5-validate
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: k5-generate-code-java
- name: solutionacronym
value: $(params.solutionacronym)
- name: stack
value: java
- k5-validate
kind: Task
name: k5-generate-code-java
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: k5-build-application-java
- name: solutionacronym
value: $(params.solutionacronym)
- name: stack
value: java
- name: unittestfeature
value: $(params.unittestfeature)
- k5-generate-code-java
kind: Task
name: k5-build-application-java
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: k5-build-publish-image-java
- name: solutionacronym
value: $(params.solutionacronym)
- name: stack
value: java
- k5-build-application-java
kind: Task
name: k5-build-publish-image-java
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: k5-build-publish-chart-java
- name: solutionacronym
value: $(params.solutionacronym)
- name: publish
value: $(params.publish)
- name: stack
value: java
- k5-build-publish-image-java
kind: Task
name: k5-build-publish-chart-java
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: k5-custom-task
- name: solutionacronym
value: $(params.solutionacronym)
- k5-build-publish-image-java
kind: Task
name: k5-custom-task
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: k5-deploy
- name: solutionacronym
value: $(params.solutionacronym)
- name: k5project
value: $(params.k5project)
- k5-build-publish-chart-java
kind: Task
name: k5-deploy
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: source
- name: basic-auth

Create a pipeline based on a Custom Pipeline Type

In the CI/CD tab you can now easily create a pipeline for your service (as usual) based on one of the available pipeline types.


IBM Industry Solutions Workbench consists of the following components will not validate Custom Pipelines/Tasks, it's the user's responsibility to take care of it.