Manage component
Now that you have added at least one deployment target you can add components to it.
Adding components
First, you have to select one of the deployment targets by clicking on its tab. Then you can add components by clicking on the Add component action next to the "Commit" button. This opens a dialog showing you the list of the component repositories. After selecting your component repository you can select the component you want to add. As described in composing applications you can either add one of the components listed or add a placeholder for to-be-built components by using the drop-down action Add planned component.
Planned components:
see extra section
Existing components:
An existing component is an already implemented service that either
- has been created as a service project by the user and has already been released and registered at the component repository, so it can get deployed to an arbitrary deployment target or
- is a pre-built service delivered by the software manufacturer (framework component) or a third party
- has been created by the user without IBM Industry Solutions Workbench but is deployable via a Helm chart and therefore can be provided within the component repository
If you want to add existing components from the component repository you can click component's card to view its details and choose the version (the latest version will be pre-selected by default) to use before adding the component(can be changed later).
Any component will be added only to the deployment target that is currently selected (active tab). You can add different components on the different namespaces or use the same components but different versions of them.
It is not possible to add the same component multiple times to an application on the same deployment target.
Removing components
You can easily remove a component by clicking on the three-dots menu button on a component's card and click on "Delete".
Deleting a component from one deployment target will not remove it from any other deployment target.
Edit versions
There will be times when you want to edit the version of multiple components without having to click on each of the components' cards. You can use the "Edit versions" feature by clicking on the pencil icon next to the "Commit" button. This will open a dialog listing all components added to the currently selected deployment target and their version. Here you can edit the version of multiple components and set them in one action.
Edit component configuration
Configuring components
IBM Industry Solutions Workbench lets you configure the behavior of each component that is used in an application composition project. This configuration will be applied to a certain component only on the currently selected deployment target. That means, you have the option to configure each component individually for each of the deployment targets you have set up.
This allows you to have other settings for a development stage than for a production stage, e.g. on the configured log level.
Each component offers up to three different configuration options depending on the features it uses.
This can be
- Main configuration
- API bindings
- Topic bindings
First, you need to select the deployment target for which you want to configure a component's behavior. Each deployment target's tab provides a menu bar at the top and the added components. The menu bar offers configurations related to all components in that deployment target while the components have an individual configuration that can be accessed by clicking on the three-dots-menu on a component's card.
Main configuration
This configuration is independent of the design model of the component and will always be available. To edit the configuration click on the three-dots-menu on a component's card. That will open the "Configure component" dialog showing the component's default configuration that is currently in use in the upper section.
This section is read-only and is intended to provide you with all relevant values. If you need to change some
values, you can use the lower section of the dialog called "Custom configuration". Here you can add any settings you
want to override or add additional settings to the configuration.
The "custom configuration" input field lets you insert text in YAML notation and also comments to add some additional notes on the purpose of a setting. The input field offers YAML syntax highlighting, but it will not validate your inputs.
Having your overrides in a separate file allows you to easily try out configurations and revert them since you always have the defaults in the upper text field and only the overrides in the lower text field. You can edit your custom configuration at any time but make sure to commit your changes to get applied to the deployment.
Restore default configuration
In case your custom configuration leads to errors you can always restore the defaults. To do so, simply remove the content in the "Custom configuration" section, click on "Save" and commit the changes for this deployment target by clicking on the "Commit" button.